Posted by Nancy Powell
KC Scout TMC Supervisor
But sadly, not all AMBER Alerts have happy endings
Earlier this evening before posting this blog, Colorado authorities positively identified the dismembered body of missing 10 year old Jessica Ridgeway, who disappeared on her way to school in Westminster, CO last Wednesday, October 5th. An AMBER Alert was issued that same day, but there was very little information available at that time. Jessica's father and his family reside in Independence, MO and we extend our sincere sympathies on their tragic loss.
month marks the 10th Anniversary of the DOJ mandate that all 50
states adopt the AMBER (America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) Alert
system, which unofficially began in 1996 when Dallas-Fort Worth broadcasters
teamed with local police to develop an early warning system to help find
abducted children. That impromptu plan was created as a legacy to nine-year-old
Amber Hagerman, who was kidnaped while riding her bicycle in Arlington, and
then brutally murdered. Other states and communities soon set up their own
AMBER plans as the idea was adopted across the nation.
In October
2002, then President George W. Bush, directed Attorney General (and Missouri
native) John Ashcroft to appoint an AMBER Alert Coordinator at the first-ever
White House Conference on Missing, Exploited and Runaway Children. Subsequently, the Prosecutorial Remedies and
Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today (PROTECT) Act, was signed
on April 30, 2003, which strengthened law enforcement’s ability to
prevent, investigate, prosecute, and punish violent crimes committed against
children. The PROTECT Act codified the previously-established National AMBER
Alert Coordinator role in the Department of Justice.
According to
the AMBER Alert website, 591 abducted children have been safely recovered since
1996. Today all 50 states, the District
of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands have AMBER Alert plans.
The US
Department of Transportation was an early supporter of the use of electronic roadway
message devices for AMBER Alert notifications to the motoring public. In August of 2002, the FHWA Office of
Operations issued a Policy Memorandum to state DOTs detailing consistent
criteria for using CMS/DMS (Changeable Message Signs/Dynamic Message Signs) to
help recover abducted children that has proven successful across the country,
both as a means of locating an abducted child and serving as a deterrent to
those who may be considering such an act.
Furthermore, federal funding was made available to implement such
programs at the state DOT level as early as February 2003.
KC Scout
actively participates in the issuance of AMBER Alerts when the issuing agency
is one of three distinct sources; The Missouri State Highway Patrol, the Kansas
City Metro Squad or the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. Local law enforcement agencies must
coordinate with one of these three agencies in order for an AMBER Alert to be
posted on Missouri and Kansas KC Scout message boards. The intent of this policy is to assure that
the information is vetted fully to avoid false or hoax notifications from
persons engaged in custody battles or with an intent to distribute
For more
information, visit the AMBER Alert website at:
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